


We offer a BA in 英语 with a Certification in Secondary Education. Take classes in the 英语与现代语言 Department 在 College of Education, 护理和卫生专业.






If you are interested in teaching 英语 at the secondary level, UHart offers a 文学学士 in 英语 with a Certification in Secondary Education. Take classes in the 英语与现代语言 Department in the 文理学院, 在 Department of Education in the College of Education, 护理和卫生专业.

The program prepares you for initial certification and the 英语 endorsement for grades 7–12. You take a full-semester of integrated instruction and experience in an urban or suburban public school setting under the supervision and guidance of clinical professors and a trained cooperating teacher.



The curriculum features a combination of 英语 courses and education courses in a structured program that includes practice teaching.

在你的英语课上, work with award-winning published authors and poets who share your passion for teaching. In your education classes, acquire the qualities and expertise that make a great teacher such as:

  • 批判性阅读能力
  • 研究技术
  • 组织技能
  • 创造力

The education curriculum gives you a theoretical base according to the state requirements, and a practical application of carefully considered educational principles. 除了, you receive a solid grounding in the essentials of the subject matter that you will go on to teach.


你必须修满36学分的英语课程, 获得专业教育要求的63个学分. These include two required 英语 courses, as well as 14 education courses. 除了, 你修文学课程, 语言的语法或历史, 文化多样性和心理学等等. 要查看完整的类列表,请访问 课程目录.


学生必须完成两门高级文学课程, 一个诗歌, 一、文化多样性, 一种青少年文学, 还有一门高级课程. 例子包括:


For more information, and to see a complete list of degree requirements, visit the 课程目录.


除了通识教育课程, you must complete 63 credits to meet requirements for secondary education. 例子包括:

  • 教育概论:学校教育与人类服务  
  • 学习和发展:了解自己和他人
  • Effective Teaching I: The Student in the Secondary Classroom  
  • 美国进入了南北战争时代  

There is also a secondary 英语 education major with an urban emphasis to prepare you for teaching positions in urban school settings. You select certain courses from a specific list of options to complete general education requirement and 英语 coursework.

For more information, and to see a complete list of secondary education courses, visit the 课程目录.



  • Manifest an ability to read and understand a wide variety of literary texts.
  • 表达自己的, whether in their interpretations of literature or in their own creative writing, 清晰, 微妙, 和创意.
  • Use  the vocabulary of literary criticism effectively and confidently.
  • Display a broad knowledge of the relationships of literature to historic and/or cultural contexts.



  • Demonstrate knowledge of 英语 language arts subject matter content that specifically includes literature, 多媒体短信, language and writing as well as knowledge of the nature of adolescents as readers and language users.
  • 规划教学和设计阅读评估, the study of literature and composing texts to promote learning for all students.
  • 计划, 实现, 评估, and reflect on research-based instruction that increases motivation and active student engagement, 建立英语语言艺术的持续学习, 并根据不同的学生情境需求做出回应. 




MaKenna says the tutoring and teaching experiences she has had in the 英语-Secondary Education program have reaffirmed that she is on the right career path. She says the program offers an abundance of opportunities and that both the 英语 and education courses help to refine and foster her skills in both disciplines. 

麦肯娜正在乔特罗斯玛丽音乐厅完成实习, 沃灵福德的一所私立寄宿学校, 康涅狄格, 她给学生提供建议, 观察自习室, 教授下午的活动, 并协调校园内外的停工活动. She says it has given her a well-rounded experience were she is seeing, 工作, and living in a world that revolves around the joys of education.



I was drawn to UHart for its smaller classroom sizes and ability for one-on-one connections between students and faculty. 有些学期更倾向于学习英语, 而其他人则倾向于教育, but the overarching goal is the ability to combine both to create a classroom environment that enriches, 支持, 并促进学生的英语教育.



Allison says the 英语 Secondary Education program at UHart prepared her tremendously for her position as writing teacher for grades 6-8 at St. 斯特拉特福德的詹姆斯学校, 康涅狄格, and that the different techniques and strategies that she learned at UHart is what she still falls back on to this day.


Being in a classroom from day one is very beneficial to getting you used to what a real classroom is like. 看到不同的教学风格总是很有帮助的. This way I was able to learn different techniques and create a style that is all my own.

The reason the secondary education program here works is because it is structured around real-world experiences that teachers are currently having in the classroom. We are taught not only content, but how to discover ourselves as role models, leaders, and teachers. I enter the classroom with great desire to show students how to find their place in the world because those are the tools I have been given.

Kim Rodriquez-Aldoy ‘19, 英语 with Certification in Secondary Education




如果你喜欢阅读和写作, the Department of 英语与现代语言 is where you will learn critical reading, 组织技能, 研究技术. Plus you'll learn how to use your imagination in our writing-intensive classes!

今天就开始你的犹他大学之旅. 迈出下一步.