


该课程设计为您提供了该领域的灵活和全面的概述,以及媒体等领域的专业化, 综合通信, 以及人类的交流.







传播艺术硕士为您提供传播领域的全面概述和媒体等领域的专业化, 综合通信, 以及人类的交流. 我们的教授是这些领域受人尊敬的专家,并就当前的交流问题和问题进行了充满活力和令人兴奋的讨论.


问题? 电子邮件 gradstudy@39y8.net.



你学习社会科学, humanistic 和 critical approaches to the study of 沟通 applied to media, 组织, 的关系, 和社会. For aspiring 和 practicing 沟通 professionals, you will find courses in integrated corporate 沟通, 多媒体及媒体制作, 和更多的. Our course offerings blend information 和 methods, theory 和 application to give you both knowledge 和 skills.


To apply to our Master's program in 沟通, 你必须有一个通信或相关学科的学士学位,从一个认可的机构与2.80 GPA或以上.

传播学硕士需要33个学分的认可研究生课程. 你和你的指导老师将根据你的经验和计划设计一个学习项目.

For more information, 和 to see a complete list of degree requirements, visit the 课程目录


Completion of the following two courses:

  • 传播学研讨会 (taken as early as possible in the degree program). A survey of the major approaches to 沟通 inquiry, 包括深入研究当代传播学研究的主要假设. The focus of the course is on the range 和 scope of 沟通 research.
  • 传播学研究方法. An introduction to 沟通 research design 和 methods. 本课程向学生介绍各种定性和定量的方法来研究传播学. 



Completion of 21-24 credits of electives.  You may choose from regular courses or special topics courses in media, 综合通信, 以及人类的交流 offered by the School of 沟通; 和/or you may choose to take up to 12 credits in other graduate programs at the University.



Requirements are based on the option selected.

Thesis Option for a total of 6 credits

Working with a faculty Thesis Director, you will engage existing literature 和 theory around a topic, 制定一个方法, 和收集, 分析, 和 report findings from your data. 

  • 论文准备(3学分.)
  • 毕业论文(3学分).)

Non-Thesis Option for a total of 6 credits

毕业设计是一个研究项目,你可以与你所参加的内容领域课程的教授协商制定. It is in addition to the original course requirements, 和 allows you to take a deeper dive into the course content.

  • Completion of one additional graduate course (3 cr.)
  • Completion of a 研究生 Project (3 cr.) 

For more information, 和 to see a complete list of requirements, visit the 课程目录.


传播学硕士 thesis track students will:

  • 证明自己掌握了至少一个沟通领域的专业知识.
  • Complete an original research project on a topic in the discipline of 沟通.
  • 通过在研究中阐明理论方法,展示对理论与研究关系的理解.
  • 实施适当的研究方法和分析工具来检查研究课题.
  • 能够清晰、有组织地以书面形式报告和描述研究结果.
  • 能够以清晰、有组织的方式口头报告和描述研究结果,并回答有关项目的问题.

传播学硕士 non-thesis track students will:

  • 证明自己掌握了至少一个沟通领域的专业知识.
  • 展示与学生专业领域相关的研究方法知识.
  • Be able to describe, 分析, 和 apply theories relevant to the area of expertise.
  • 能够以口头和书面的方式清晰、有组织地表达专业领域的主题.
  • 能够以清晰和有组织的方式书面报告和描述研究结果.


The following are requirements to apply to the 传播学硕士 program: 
  • An 在线申请
  • A non-refundable application fee of $50
  • Official transcripts for all collegiate level coursework
  • A letter of intent as specified in the 在线申请
  • 两封推荐信
  • If you are an international student, please read about 额外的需求
For more information about requirements 和 deadlines, visit 研究生入学.


Assistant Director of 研究生 Success



Our program prepares you for further graduate study 和 also employment in government, 非营利组织, businesses 和 educational institutions. Many of our graduates are employed in human resources 和 corporate 沟通s. Others are in a range of 沟通 professions, 包括广告, 公共关系, 电视, 电台和网页设计公司.

沟通,马 $748.00


在学术会议上展示你的研究是你成为专业人士的好方法. 雇主和学者将会议演讲视为成就的标志,并证明你所做的不仅仅是完成项目中的课程. 正因为如此, 我们鼓励研究生在每年春季举行的专业传播会议和两个研究研讨会上展示他们的研究和项目:传播学院研究生奖和研究研讨会以及全校范围的研究生研究/创意研讨会. These events provide special forums specifically for graduate student research.

研究生在这些活动上的演讲取材于他们在课堂上所做的研究论文和特殊项目, 论文或独立研究, 为他们的工作提供更广泛的受众,并有机会从参加这些活动的其他人那里获得有用的反馈.

Grant Opportunities for Conference Travel

对于提交的论文被接受的研究生,学校为其参加专业会议提供一些经济资助. 研究生院院长设立了一个项目,支持研究生参加会议,学生可以通过该项目申请最高500美元的费用补助. Expenses associated with the purchase of presentation materials, 出差去开会, 注册费, 和 room charges may be reimbursed up to $500. There are no deadlines for this award. These grants are available throughout the year, but the application must be made at least one month before the conference.


我们鼓励研究生将他们的作品提交给传播领域的几个主要专业组织, 包括:

大多数这些专业组织都有年度会议,参与者在会议上介绍他们在通信学科各个领域的工作, 比如媒体, 组织沟通, 公共关系. 这些会议欢迎在这些领域进行研究的研究生参加. 访问 these websites for information about the process for submitting papers, 小组建议, 海报展示, 或者其他形式的展示. Each organization has regular deadlines for submissions to its annual conference.



传播学硕士, BA in Cinema, 和 Digital Media 和 Journalism, '20, M'22

Kyle has accepted a position with NFL Films to work on HBO’s 猛烈的打击, a reality sports documentary series that focuses on a new NFL team each year. Kyle had also been offered a job editing game footage for Major League Baseball, but decided on the NFL Films position because it lined up with what he wants to focus on, 什么是纪录片制作. 

他的最新纪录片, Gay Spirit Radio: Not Afraid to be Different基思·布朗的故事, will be shown as the centerpiece of Connecticut’s LGBTQ Film Festival in June. 这部纪录片详细介绍了UHart的WWUH电台的同性恋精神广播节目的历史, which has been hosted Keith Brown for more than 40 years.


我的教授们让我敢于冒险,因为我在一个独特的编辑和制作领域. The small class sizes made me feel like I had a connection with every professor. The projects 和 papers were meaningful, 和 I feel well prepared to enter the workforce.”



布赖森欧文斯 is working remotely as an associate video producer for 《立博网站中文版周刊》 为其社交媒体频道和网站提供视频内容,包括总统和副总统辩论, the Amy Coney Barrett supreme court confirmation hearings, 还有选举之夜的报道.

Owens says he became interested in politics at a very young age, 和 as an undergraduate 和 graduate student, 他参加了多个与媒体传播直接或间接相关的政治和政府课程. He says his final graduate project, COVID期间的大学, 与Bianca Ross共同制作, M’20, was cited as the reason his resume stood out from the others.


“让我渴望从事传播和媒体行业各个方面工作的是诸如‘流行文化中的性别/性’之类的课程, 电视制作导论, Political Advertising 和 Women in the Media, 和媒体过程和效果. 沟通 Professors Karen Schermerhorn, 杰克的银行, Sundeep Muppidi, 和 Kristin Comeforo really pushed me to think critically, 我的分析不偏不倚, 和 see the world 和 how the media has the power to change it.”